Call for Proposals: AI for Network Security I NOW CLOSED


The NSW Connectivity Innovation Network (CIN) is pleased to announce a call for research proposals focusing on utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) for network security. As AI technologies advance, so do the threats and vulnerabilities associated with network securityIn the meantime, AI technologies can also provide us with more advanced tools to defend networks against cyberattacks. We believe that AI can play a crucial role in safeguarding future network security. 


The objective of this call for research proposals is to encourage innovative and cutting-edge research in the field of AI for network security. We are seeking proposals that explore the potential of AI techniques, algorithms, and models to address the emerging threats and vulnerabilities in network security. In particular, we are seeking innovative AI based ideas that aim to develop practical and effective tools that can be deployed/adopted in real-world network environments by Australian governments and industry. 

Areas of Interest

We invite proposals in the following research areas, but not limited to: 

    1.  Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. 
    2. Malware Detection and Analysis.
    3. Network Traffic Analysis
    4. Vulnerability Assessment and Patch Management
    5. Threat Intelligence that aims to explore AI techniques to collect, analyse, and share threat intelligence data, enabling proactive defence against emerging threats.
    6. Advanced techniques that can facilitate network recovery in the case of network breakdown due to cyberattacks.

Proposal Guidelines

    1. Research teams from CIN member organisations are eligible to submit proposals.
    2. Proposals should clearly define the research problem, objectives, methodology, and the tools/solutions to be delivered.
    3. The proposed research should demonstrate novelty and feasibility.
    4. The proposal should include a detailed timeline, budget estimation, and resource requirements.
    5. Where appropriate, ethical considerations, data privacy, and legal compliance should be addressed in the proposal.
    6. Collaboration between academia and industry is encouraged, but not mandatory.
    7. The budget for each proposal is expected not to exceed $100k. It is possible that successful projects may be funded to the next phase. 

Applications Open

Friday, 22nd December 2023 

Applications Close

Wednesday, 31st January 2024 

Project Timeline

12 Months

Who is Eligible to Lead Projects

University and industry members of the CIN

How to Apply

  1. Read the full Call for Proposals as a PDF here
  2. Fill all of the relevant fields within the submission portal below
  3. Complete application online, along with any additional supporting documents before Wednesday 31st January 2024


Who is eligible to apply? 

All CIN members are eligible to apply 

Can I apply if I am not a member of the CIN?

Non-members are not eligible to apply or lead an application. However, if a non-member has collaborators who are members, they may participate in an application via in-kind and/or cash contributions. Non-members are not able to receive financial benefits from successfully funded CIN projects.

Timeline for projects 

Project durations are for a maximum of 12 months 

Is there the maximum number of proposals I can submit? 

No maximum

Where do I submit my application? 

There is a submission button on this page above the FAQs

Who can I contact if I have questions? 

Send your queries to We will aim to respond within 3 business days  

I missed the deadline; can I still apply?  

The closing date of Wednesday 31st January 2023 for the CFPs is firm. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept late submissions.  

When am I likely to hear about the outcome of my submission? 

The CIN plans to announce outcomes by March 15th, 2024. You will be notified of the outcome in advance of the announcement.